
Matco-Norca lead-free PEX ball valve | 2014-12-15 | Supply House Times

Matco-Norca introduces its 754PXDELF PEX ball valve with waste drain and drop ear elbow. This valve is compliant with the federal Safe Water Drinking Act (SWDA). The full-port forged brass PEX ball valve features a two-piece body with PEX ends and a 600 WOG–150 SWP capacity. The brass stems are blow-out proof. The 754PXDELF PEX ball valve comes in 1/2”, 3/4” and 1” sizes and is lead free. 

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Matco-Norca lead-free PEX ball valve | 2014-12-15  | Supply House Times

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Matco-Norca lead-free PEX ball valve | 2014-12-15  | Supply House Times

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