
Anadrol for sale: Oxymetholone Cycle, Dosage, Side Effects and Results

Known as a bulking agent in the bodybuilding circuit, Anadrol is a potent anabolic steroid that assists in rapid muscle growth and strength enhancement.

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Anadrol for sale: Oxymetholone Cycle, Dosage, Side Effects and Results

With a focus on accessibility and understanding, reading till the end ensures you gather all the essential insights to safely and effectively utilize Anadrol.


Anadrol, a popular choice of bodybuilders around the world, is actually a brand name for a synthetic steroid known scientifically as Oxymetholone. This effective bulking compound celebrated for its potency, positions itself as a front-runner among anabolic steroids. Anadrol is primarily designed to help individuals suffering from anemia or other conditions where weight gain is necessary due to its ability to enhance protein synthesis and increase muscular size.

With its fast-acting nature, Anadrol has become a popular choice for those looking to pack on mass in a short amount of time. Its ability to increase red blood cell production also augments the oxygen-carrying capacity, leading to improved athletic performance. That said, despite its attractive appeal in aiding aesthetic or performance improvements, the misuse or overuse of this powerful steroid may lead to serious health complications. Consequently, harnessing the fullest potential of Anadrol requires comprehensive knowledge and proper understanding.

Anadrol comes with a range of benefits for those looking to improve their performance. Prized in bodybuilding circles, it fits perfectly into cycles built for adding large amounts of mass, increasing strength, and improving overall performance.

Anadrol shines as one of the most popular oral mass builders. By helping users gain weight quickly, it has become a very popular choice for those struggling to put on pounds. The compound stands as a cornerstone, paving the way for incredible mass building phases.

Anadrol increases protein synthesis, a process that is vital for the recovery and growth of muscle tissue, leading to accelerated recovery between sessions, allowing users to perform at higher levels in the gym.

Anadrol is also incredibly popular for those looking to increase their strength, such as powerlifters or competitive strongmen. Its potent effects will lead to rapid increases in the amount of weight that can be lifted, leading to many new records in the gym.

Anadrol presents unique benefits for female bodybuilders, of which is a visible improvement in muscle mass and strength. Known to offer rapid results, it helps women looking for quick and effective transformations. Its tendency to cause water retention, often viewed as a con, can actually turn into an advantage for women seeking a fuller look.

One key difference lies in the dosage, which varies based on gender. While the common dosage is significantly lower for women to mitigate the potential for virilizing effects. This difference underscores the fact that the correct application of Anadrol requires careful consideration and personalization, keeping in mind gender-specific requirements and responses to the steroid.

In some countries, Anadrol is a legally prescribed medication for the treatment of anemia, but in most areas of the world there are specific regulations around its non-medical use.

To read more about the uses and benefits of Anadrol and other anabolic steroids for sale in official medicine, follow this link:


In the United States, Anadrol is considered a controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act. Its potency and exceptional results make it a highly sought-after drug in fields that are centered around bodybuilding and athletic performance.

The key reason Anadrol is subjected to such stringent regulations and is even banned by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is due to its benefits that potentially create an uneven playing field in sports and bodybuilding.

Often, substances that dramatically enhance an individual's performance are controlled so as to maintain fair play, which is the primary rationale behind Anadrol's classification as a controlled substance. Thus, the effectiveness of Anadrol is indeed its own roadblock, marking it as a compound that warrants careful consideration before use.

The Hollywood scene is renowned for depicting the most desirable physiques, with several actors such as Zac Efron openly talking about their steroid usage as part of their pre-filming preparations.

The good health exhibited by many of these stars signifies that the use of anabolic steroids does not automatically lead to adverse effects.

Celebrities can stay fit and healthy on steroids by hiring expert personal trainers who design tailored steroid cycles that perfectly match their needs.

But many of us regular people don't have access to this kind of expert advice. This is why we try to share our own knowledge with as many of you as possible.

If celebs use Anadrol, which other steroids do they take? Click the link below to find out:


Anadrol's remarkable efficiency in strength and muscle gain is loved universally by its users. While known for packing on serious amounts of size in a short space of time, the results experienced by users may vary based on a number of things, such as genetics, experience, and dosage used.

Let's look at some real results that can be expected from an Anadrol cycle:

●    Anadrol Results for Beginner users: For beginners using a daily dose of 50mg per day looking to get the amazing mass building effects of Anadrol, a sharp increase in overall mass will be experienced. The exact amount will vary from user to user, but for those following a solid training and nutrition plan, following a 6 week cycle of Anadrol could potentially lead to gains of around 20-30lbs. During this time there would also be a significant increase in strength that will be easily noticeable in heavy compound movements such as the bench press, squats, and deadlifts. ●    Anadrol Results for Advanced users: For advanced users, a much higher dose of around 100mg per day may be used. These users would typically rely on the power of Anadrol as a 'kickstarter' for a much larger stacked cycle, utilizing the mass building effects to bridge the gap until the other compounds become active in the body. In this sort of cycle, similar increases in overall mass and strength will be experienced.

When using Anadrol, one of the most important things to determine would be the dose used throughout the cycle.

Getting the dosage right will play a huge role in the effectiveness of the cycle and finding the right balance between dose and cycle length will ensure you achieve the best possible results while also limiting the risk of side effects.

Before using Anadrol it's vital to understand both the benefits and potential risks that come with it, in order to ensure safe and effective use.

For male users, the dose of Anadrol will usually range from 50mg to 100mg per day. With beginners using doses on the lower end of this scale, and more advanced users opting for doses at the higher end.

For the best balance between results and health, it is always advised to start at the lowest effective dose and slowly increase over time. This will allow for the maximum possible results while also limiting the risk of side effects.

The recommended dosage for women is drastically lower than it is for men, which is vital to ensure that virilizing effects are kept at bay.

It is advised to keep the dose as low as possible, with 5mg per day being enough for incredible results. Those experienced users who are less concerned about the risks, may use doses slightly higher, around 10mg per day.

As always with steroid use by females, it is vital to monitor your health markers during an Anadrol cycle in order to prevent any lasting, and serious side effects.

Anadrol cycles refer to the duration of time and the way in which the steroid is used. This scope varies depending on several factors such as the user's goals, gender, experience level, and responsiveness to the drug. These cycles are created to maximize benefits while reducing potential side effects.

Beginner Anadrol Cycle: For beginners, it would be advised to begin with a cycle lasting 4 to 6 weeks, with a starting dose of 50mg per day being used. This should then be followed by a 4 week PCT to restore natural hormonal functions.

Intermediate Anadrol Cycle: For intermediate users, Anadrol would typically be stacked with other steroids, such as Testosterone. These cycles would usually last between 10 to 12 weeks, with Anadrol being used for the first 6 weeks. This should then be followed by a 4 week PCT to restore natural hormonal functions.

Advanced Anadrol Cycle: Like intermediate users, advanced users would include Anadrol in a larger stacked cycle alongside other compounds. These cycles would usually include multiple other compounds and potentially higher doses as well. These cycles could last up to 16 weeks, with Anadrol being used for the first 6 weeks to kickstart the cycle. This should then be followed by a 4 week PCT to restore natural hormonal functions.

Anadrol is often used in combination with other supplements in what is known as 'stacking'. Stacked cycles amplify the benefits and potency of each individual substance, drastically increasing the overall results. However, these cycles require informed judgment, as incorrect usage or overuse may lead to increased side effects.

Stacking Anadrol and  Winstrol can lead to significant gains in strength and vascularity. A typical dosage would include 50mg of Anadrol for 1-6 weeks and 25mg of Winstrol for 7-12 weeks. This could yield a toned, muscular physique with minimized water retention, due to the effects of Winstrol.

Anadrol stacked with Testosterone is a common and effective combination. Anadrol dosage remains in the 50mg to 100mg range while the Testosterone dosage floats between 200mg to 400mg per week for about 10 to 12 weeks. This stack is frequently chosen for its remarkable effects on muscular growth and strength gains, sustaining and enhancing the benefits beyond that provided by Anadrol alone.

A cycle of Anadrol, Trenbolone, and Testosterone would be a cycle used by advanced users. This would be an extremely potent mass building cycle, used by those looking to take their physique to elite levels. The dose of Anadrol would range between 75mg to 100mg per day for the first 6 weeks, with Testosterone being used at 500mg per week, and Trenbolone being used at 300mg per week. Testosterone and Trenbolone would be used for around 10-14 weeks, depending on the exact goals of the cycle.

These resources offer in-depth information that is unparalleled and not available elsewhere.

PCT is a crucial aspect of any steroid cycle, including Anadrol. The purpose of a PCT is to aid your body in its return to normal function, restoring natural hormone production suspended during the steroid cycle. Following a well-structured PCT can help maintain hard-earned gains, alleviate post-cycle side effects, raise natural testosterone levels, and rejuvenate overall wellness.

A PCT will typically start anywhere up to two weeks after the end of a steroid cycle, this will vary based on what steroids have been used in the cycle. Clomid is commonly used for most basic PCT protocols due to its effectiveness in elevating natural testosterone levels and controlling estrogen levels, however, Nolvadex can also be used with very similar results.

For most steroid cycles, a 4 week PCT of either Clomid or Nolvadex will be sufficient to restore natural hormonal functions. Typically the PCT will start with a higher dose, then taper off to a lower dose towards the end.

For Clomid this would be 50mg per day for two weeks, followed by 25mg per day for two weeks.

For Nolvadex it would be 40mg daily for two weeks, followed by 20mg daily for two weeks.

As females do not need to worry about having testosterone levels as high as male users, a PCT will not always be needed, unless any serious issues occur.

Typically it is advised for female users to monitor their health and hormone levels after a cycle and continue to follow a solid training and nutrition plan to ensure muscle mass is retained.

With the growing market for performance-enhancing drugs, a surge of products marketed as 'legal alternatives' to steroids have emerged. These products often present themselves as safer options, promising gains similar to those of their genuine counterparts without the legal and health risks associated.

While the attraction of these 'legal alternatives' is understandable, it's vital to remember that their effectiveness is generally incomparable to the real deal.

Authentic Anadrol in careful dosages has been proven to deliver substantial gains in terms of muscle mass and strength. While legal alternatives may offer some benefits in terms of slight muscle gains and weight loss, they often fall short when it comes to replicating the potency and rapid results that actual Anadrol provides.

Moreover, the formulas of these alternative products vary significantly, meaning results and side effects can be very unpredictable.

Now with Anadrol, there is one list of potential side effects you need to be aware of. Anadrol's side effect list includes water retention, gynecomastia, high blood pressure, acne, hair loss, liver toxicity, and virilization in female users.

But these "safe alternative Anadrol products" have a mixture of ingredients, each with their own list of possible side effects. And when combining these lists together, the number of potential threats to your health and well-being becomes much higher.

Let's say, they make an Anadrol alternative product containing different vitamins, Folate, Beet Root Extract, Shilajit Extract and L-Carnitine L-Tartrate. Most people will not think to check the side effects of each of these ingredients. In this case, we have done this research for you.

Folate side effects may include anxiety, insomnia, migraines, fatigue, acne, achy joints, muscle soreness, and heart palpitations. (

Beet root extract side effects may include abdominal cramps, overuse of the liver, kidney stones, allergic reactions such as rashes, difficulty breathing and vomiting. (

Shilajit extract side effects may include nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, skin rash, and kidney damage. (

L-Carnitine L-Tartrate side effects may include muscle pain, swelling of the hands, feet and lower legs, headaches, nausea, vomiting, seizures, allergic reactions such as difficulty breathing, swelling of the tongue and severe dizziness. (

Why are all of these side effects not listed on their websites? Because they don't need to if they're not FDA-approved. They'll just hide this statement on their website somewhere.

Those serious about their bodybuilding progression should consider all their options carefully, looking at all the pros and cons before making a decision.

When it comes to choosing the best Anadrol brand suited to your goals, it's crucial to only consider products from trusted and reputable manufacturers. A comparison of well-established brands and their respective prices can guide you in making an informed decision.

Oxydrolone, produced by Alpha Pharma, is available at a price of around $85.80. This brand is a popular choice among bodybuilders looking for muscle growth and strength improvements. Users typically take a daily dose of 50-100mg, depending on individual experience levels, and can yield impressive results within weeks.


Max-Drol, a moderately priced product at $97.90, is manufactured by Maxtreme. Known for its positive effects on muscle mass and strength, Max-Drol is typically taken in doses of 50-100mg daily. This potent steroid promotes both bulking and strength building cycles, making it a desirable option for gym goers.


Oxymethol, developed by Phoenix Remedies, offers a higher relative cost of $110. However, it is valued for its remarkable potency and quality. By using a daily dosage of 50-100mg, users of Oxymethol can anticipate significant muscle growth and enhanced strength within weeks of consistent use.


For a more budget-friendly option, Oxymeth 50 by Magnum Pharmaceuticals is available for approximately $70.40. With dosages falling within the typical 50-100mg range per day, users benefit from notable gains in muscle mass and strength when following a focused cycle.


Analyzing real Anadrol reviews from both beginners and professional bodybuilders provides a valuable perspective on the performance and effects of this powerful steroid. These personal experiences shed light on the benefits, dosages, and cycles, as well as the contrast between authentic Anadrol and legal alternatives.

"I used Anadrol at 50mg per day for a total of 6 weeks and I was blown away by the results. I had used an 'alternative' from a different website, but the results from Max-Drol were so much better, I added about 20lbs of mass during the cycle and even managed to get a new max on my bench press, finally hitting 315lbs!"

"I'd used over the counter supplements for years and never really noticed any benefits, but after a friend suggested Oxymeth 50 from Magnum, all I can say is I can't believe I wasted so many years training! I used a pretty high dose of 75mg per day, but in that time I increased all my lifts and added about 25lbs."

"I've been a competitive bodybuilder for about 8 years now, and Anadrol is always a regular in my mass building cycles. I honestly wouldn't consider a cycle without it, it will always help you pack on the pounds, and you'll feel strong as an ox when you take it as well! The perfect kickstarter for any bulking cycle."

"I know Anadrol isn't always advised for women as it can have some pretty nasty side effects, but if you do your research, and do everything carefully, you can really add some serious muscle with this stuff. I only use Phoenix Remedies Oxymethol, as I know it's the highest quality and trust me, you don't wanna be taking any risks with low quality stuff! Don't waste your time with all these 'legal supplements', trust me, they don't work and you're just gonna waste your money and make no gains!"

"Anadrol is my secret weapon, as a bodybuilder, you need to do what you can to get the most muscle on your physique, and 10mg of Anadrol per day for 4 weeks always gets me full as a house! It can be a little hard on your liver, but a good support supp like Liv.52 will help with that!"

In the sections below, we'll tell you where to go looking, what you're looking for, and what you're best avoiding when searching for a trustworthy Anadrol source.

Once you're certain that Anadrol is the perfect steroid for you, the first step is knowing where to find it.

Although there are numerous places to find Anadrol for sale, some of them are easier or more cost-effective than others.

People who'd prefer in-person methods like getting a prescription from a doctor, or asking a gym coach, or buying Anadrol from a pharmacist in a country where this is legal. But you may find that these methods are not very simple, affordable or lawful.

This is why most people resort to ordering Anadrol online with convenient shipping. Although this method still has some risks.

When buying Anadrol online, the obvious risk is that you won't get what you pay for, after all, you can't control what you do or don't receive.

Here's a list of the most common risks when ordering online.

Without the ability to confirm the actual contents of a certain Anadrol product:

You may be given expired Anadrol pills (unsafe to use)

You may find that your Anadrol is under-dosed (less effective)

You may discover that your Anadrol is fake (zero effects)

You may uncover that your Anadrol was made in an unsanitary underground lab (unsafe to use)

You may receive a counterfeit Anadrol brand (unsafe to use)

After paying for Anadrol via non-refundable methods such as Western Union, MoneyGram, or Bitcoin:

You may find that items are missing (you cannot run a full cycle)

You may receive damaged items (the pills are wet or crushed due to poor packaging)

You may not receive any items at all (whether it was seized or never shipped in the first place)

In order to be certain whether an Anadrol seller is planning to scam you or not, there are certain things you'll need to analyze:

The top indicator of a trustworthy supplier is the ability to make secure credit card payments for their products. This shows that they want you to be refunded if you are unsatisfied with your purchase.

If their products contain codes that are successfully verified on the official website of the brand, you know they're legit.

Make sure they actually stock the products they are selling by asking for proof in the form of an unboxing video.

Ensure that their shipping estimates correlate to the claimed location of their warehouse.

Most suppliers should be able to provide you with a tracking code to keep an eye on your parcel's whereabouts once it's been shipped.

If a supplier wants you to be happy with their service, they will make promises to do everything they can to resolve issues.

Find real reviews from previous customers entering "Supplier name review" into any search engine. Just try to identify any fake ones among the genuine ones.

A good supplier cares about the health and happiness of their customers so offering pre- and post-sale advice is always a good sign of a genuine one.

1. Secure payment platforms such as credit cards

2. Incentives like discounts and bonuses

3. Free cycle advice from experienced professionals

5. Shipping that can be monitored

To avoid scams when buying Anadrol online, pick a well-known and trusted supplier like

They are one of our favorite suppliers due to their 24hr customer support, expert cycle recommendations, secure credit card payments, discreet & trackable shipping, and 100% satisfaction guarantee. We also appreciate their reasonable prices for popular brands.

Hopefully this article has given you a deeper understanding of Anadrol and how to buy it online securely and use it competently.

Remember to keep this Anadrol guide handy for future reference; you might need it again later in life.

We're true to our word, so our go-to supplier for authentic pharma-grade Anadrol is This site helps you to find real Anadrol alongside many other steroids, catering to buyers from the USA and internationally, with shipping included.

You ready to buy Anadrol from Great, here's a 10% discount code for any brand of pharma-grade Anadrol bought on their website: just enter AMERICA10 at checkout.

Enjoyed this guide? There's more where that came from! Check out 'roids club' to discover additional detailed guides, interesting articles on other steroids, and loads more info on other subjects.

To access in-depth guides on various steroids, simply click on the following links: Dianabol for sale or how to buy Anavar online without a risk

Anadrol significantly increases protein synthesis and red blood cell production in your body, promoting muscle mass growth, enhanced strength, and faster recovery times after intense workouts.

For best results, Anadrol is generally taken in the morning, as it has a half-life of several hours and affects energy levels and workout capacity throughout the day. Although it can be taken at any time throughout the day, just ensure that it is taken consistently at the same time daily to ensure stable blood hormone levels.

Yes, Anadrol is typically taken every day during a cycle, usually lasting between 4 to 6 weeks. It's crucial to use the proper recommended dosage to avoid potential Anadrol side effects .

After you stop Anadrol use, some of the mass gained may be lost due to water retention reduction. However, maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise can help preserve your hard-earned gains.

The exact calorie intake can depend on personal nutrition needs and goals, but often users will consume a high-protein, high-calorie diet to sustain muscle buildup while on an Anadrol cycle.

While some people prefer taking a portion of their daily Anadrol dose pre-workout to maximize strength and energy during exercise, it generally comes down to personal preference and your daily routine.

The best workouts will typically be intensive strength-building exercises such as weightlifting and resistance training to complement Anadrol's muscle-building properties. However, without regular workouts, the results from your Anadrol cycle could be significantly impaired.

The half-life of Anadrol is approximately eight to nine hours, meaning it's relatively short-acting and is usually taken daily.

To confirm the authenticity of your Anadrol, you could check for the product's packaging and holograms, the manufacturer's details, and use a legitimate steroid testing kit. Always buy from reputable sellers to ensure the quality and authenticity of your product.

When comparing the potency of Anadrol to other popular oral steroids , it is crucial to consider the differences in dosage, cycle types, administration, utilities, and benefits. This way, individuals can pick suitable oral or injectable steroids that aligns with their fitness objectives and personal preferences.

> Why is steroid use rising among male bodybuilders? - BBC News:

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> Anabolic steroids: Types, uses, and risks:

> OXYMETHOLONE - ORAL (Anadrol) side effects, medical uses, and drug interactions.:

> Oxymetholone - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics:

> Shilajit Side Effects:

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Anadrol for sale: Oxymetholone Cycle, Dosage, Side Effects and Results

Hgh Human Growth This article is sponsored content. All information is provided on an as-is basis. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of NDTV and it does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same. Supplements must be taken carefully and under expert guidance for maximum benefit. Please consult your doctor before starting any supplements to weigh the pros and cons and side effects if any, and especially if you have any pre-existing health condition.